a cura di: Abrusci V. Michele , Casadio Claudia

New perspectives in logic and formal linguistics

Proceding of the V Roma Workshop
0 Valutazione
stato: Disponibile
Argomento: Linguistica
Collana: Università degli Studi di Bologna - Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca ’’Federico Enriques’’
anno: 2002
, pagine: 262

ISBN: 978-88-8319-748-2
20,00 €
19,00 €
1,00 €
 Torna a: Linguistica
CONTENTSV.N. Grishin (Austin - Moscow) On a generalization of the Ajdukiewicz-Lambek systemJ. Lambek (Montreal) Mathematics and the mmdJ. Lambek (Montreal) Pregroups: a new algebraic approach to sentence struetureC. Areces and R. Bemardi (Amsterdam - Utrecht) Analyzing the core of categoriai grammarR. Bernardi and P. Freguglia (Utrecht - L’Aquila) The naturai logie behind naturai reasoningW. Buszkowski (Poznan) Cut eliminationfor the Lambek calculus ofadjointsM. Fadda (Montreal) Towardsflexible pregroup grammarsA. Foret (Rennes) Conjoinability and unification in Lambek categoriai grammarsA. Kislak (Olsztyn) Pregroups versus English and Polish grammarE Lamarche (Nancy) On the algebra ofstructural contextsM. Masuko (Tokio) Pragmatically-induced valence change and its implicationsfor linguistic theoryG. Monili (Barcelona) Islands, coordination and parasitic gapsG. Perrier (Nancy) Tree descriptions with polarities: interaction grammars

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