a cura di: Pravadelli Veronica , Alovisio Silvio
The New Woman in European Silent Cinema: Images, Narratives and Social Discourses
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stato: In Stock
Argomento: Cinema
Collana: Imago/26
anno: 2024
, pagine: 264

ISSN: 2038-5536
20,00 €
20,00 €
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Dossier: The New Woman in European Silent Cinema: Images, Narratives and Social Discourses a cura di Silvio Alovisio e Veronica Pravadelli 

Silvio Alovisio, Veronica Pravadelli, New Woman e cinema muto in Europa: immagini, narrazioni e discorsi sociali 

1. Stardom and the Modern Woman in 1920s Cinema

Gaylyn Studlar, “Bubikopf” as New Woman, New Star: Louise Brooks in Weimar Silent Film and Culture

Joel Frykholm, Flying into Wedlock at 300 km/h: Gender, Sexuality, and the Modern Woman in Hon, den enda (Isepa, 1926) 

Stefania Carpiceci, Liane Mirette, la flapper del cinema muto italiano 

2. Adoring Asta Nielsen

Elisa Uffreduzzi, The New Woman Is a Dancer. Asta Nielsen’s Screendances as a Vehicle for the Depiction of the New Woman 

Friederike Grimm, Adoring the New Woman: Asta Nielsen’s Diverse Fan Base in Germany and Austria-Hungary in the Early 1910s 

3. New Women Between Stage and Screen

Victoria Duckett, The Genesis of the New Woman: The Case of Mistinguett

Natalia Skоrokhod, The New Woman as Dramatic Character in Ekaterina Ivanovna by Leonid Andreev: The Play and Its Adaptation 

4. Women’s Work in Silent Cinema

Jacques Malthête & Stéphanie Salmon, Mrs Thuillier, Mrs Chaumont and Mrs Vallouy, Mothers and Daughters. French Colorists at the Beginning of Cinema 


Caterina Martino, La sparizione dell’umano. Le foto di Parigi prima e dopo Benjamin 

Cristina Colet, Miley Cyrus: Beyond Gender. (Re)defining Female Identity Through Fashion and Performance 


Paolo Cherchi Usai, Una passione infiammabile. Guida allo studio del cinema muto (UTET, Torino 2022, pp. 592) di Simone Venturini 

Lynn Spigel, TV Snapshots. An Archive of Everyday Life (Duke University Press, Durham and London 2022, pp. 315) di Alice Cati

Leon Hunt, Mario Bava. The Artisan as Italian Horror Auteur (Bloosmbury, London 2022, pp. 240) di Francesco Di Chiara 

Larisa Driansky, Antonio Somaini, Riccardo Venturi (a cura di), Repenser le médium. Art contemporain et cinéma (Institut national d’histoire de l’art - Les presses du réel, Paris-Dijon 2022) di Francesco Federici


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